Who Should Join?
• Local governments eager to expand their voice beyond their borders and their region.
• Businesses prepared to collaborate with the public sector and invest time to expand their triple bottom line.
• Like-minded non-profits and academic institutions wanting to add their voice to exchanging knowledge and even policy at the State level.
Why Should You Join?
• Recognition as a member of an innovative social advocacy nonprofit
• Access to local governments and private-sector entities as members
• Access to resources and share best management practices shared by other members and academic partners
• Member editorials in news outlets and monthly newsletters
What Do We Do?
• Promote greater understanding of the impacts of extreme weather events and sea level rise
• Develop regional, state and federal policy and strategies
• Serve as a conduit for developing local government and private sector partnerships
• Advocate for resiliency funding and adaptation strategies at the state and federal levels
Our Accomplishments
• We promoted greater understanding of the impacts of extreme weather events and have started the resiliency discussion in our state capitol
• To date, we have presented to the House Natural Resources and Public Lands Committee and to the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on the Environment and Natural Resources
• One future goal will be to parlay the resiliency discussion into policies and funding so that we may create a more resilient Florida
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